Is your rural community ready to
take control of its own destiny? 

Our rural towns are rapidly changing. Some are growing and diversifying; others are struggling with population decline and seeking more effective ways to embrace positive change. 

A long term strategic and collaborative community approach with a focus on leadership, entrepreneurship, youth and philanthropy is proven to have far reaching benefits in reinvigorating rural communities.

Who will be the next Operation Next Gen town?

What Is Operation Next Gen?

Operation Next Gen is led BY the community, FOR the community.

It is an organic, grass roots conversation to look at existing landscapes with fresh eyes and explore how we can embrace positive change and take control of our own destiny.

Without the constraints of formal meetings and committees, Operation Next Gen is focused on NEW conversations with NEW people in NEW places to build on all the wonderful community initiatives and frameworks already in place.

Hear about the Collie WA experiences.


Why should your community Invest
In an Operation Next Gen Program?

At some point in time every rural town faces major change or needs re-invigorating. The trick is to anticipate that change and explore alternatives well before it becomes reality. And, if you really want to make a positive difference, then the whole community has to work together.

But how can you work collaboratively if people do not understand the need for change or are afraid of change? Or, maybe they are interested in new opportunities but reluctant to get involved with traditional groups and committees. Young people may not see a future in their home town or understand the important role that the business sector plays in their community’s future.

A long term strategic and collaborative community approach with a focus on local leadership, entrepreneurship, youth, and local investment is proven to have far reaching benefits in reinvigorating rural communities.

How does it happen?


Let's start with a presentation to inspire your community and help them to understand the benefits of working collaboratively and strategically to look at existing landscapes with fresh eyes.

Workshops & Conversations

Serious about taking control of your own destiny? Creative workshops and conversations will help guide your community as they build on existing assets to identify their goals and put plans into action.


One Year Support Program

Monthly mentoring sessions will keep the conversation on track with ongoing access to valuable resources and networks to help create a collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Watch this 8 minute webinar describing how an Operation Next Gen Program works.


What is the cost to your community of each young person that is forced to leave or be supported long term on unemployment benefits? 

A bargain by comparison, a fully facilitated 12 month Operation Next Gen Program is a long term investment. With well scoped out needs and strong community support demonstrated (including the local Commerce / Progress Association and schools) there is the opportunity to access funding partners which will be explored further with you.  If this is important to you, then we can help make it happen.

$25,000 + travel & accommodation

What Do Others Think?

Reflections of Operation Next Gen Collie (Western Australia) participants.


Ready To Get Started?

Join Kerry on her mission to strengthen rural communities and businesses by investing in an Operation Next Gen Program today!

DOWNLOAD an Operation Next Gen brochure to share with others.